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Success Stories

Meaningful work Anthony at Your Service 0

Meaningful Work: The Value of a Special Delivery

ANTHONY AT YOUR SERVICE Looking at your childโ€™s abilities to help them create meaningful work. Anthony At Your Service started because of a young manโ€™s desire to provide a helping hand...

Today I Cried Special Moments 0

Today I Cried Special Moments

Special Moments This morning I woke up early and fixed a very filling breakfast before they headed out. I helped my older daughter scour the house for last minute things...


From The Heart: Proud Moment

My Aha moment A couple of weeks ago my daughter came home with a surprise for me after she had been out to lunch with her companion at Olive Garden....

Real Moms Share: Michelle Rocker 0

Real Moms Share: Michelle Rocker

Michelle Rocker Marching to her own beatโ€ฆ When we first met Michelle Rocker, we were instantly taken by her funny sense of humor, her wit, charm and, of course, her...