
Hunter Syndrome a Mother’s Journey 0

Hunter Syndrome a Mother’s Journey

Hunter Syndrome 3.95 million children were born in the US in 2016. For most of these children a cough, cold or runny nose is normal, but for 1 in 162...

Self-Advocating While on a Special Diet 0

Self-Advocating While on a Special Diet

Self-Advocating While on a Special Diet More and more restaurants are offering special diet foods on their menu. All you have to do is ask your buddies: Google, Alexa, Suri,...

Born This Way Is Paving the Way! 0

Born This Way Is Paving the Way!

Born This Way Born This Way is an American reality television series produced by Bunim/ Murray Productions. The series features seven adults with Down syndrome who inspire others and send...

When Mom Crosses the Finish Line 0

When Mom Crosses the Finish Line

When Mom Crosses the Finish Line Raising a child with autism is very much like running a marathon. However, participation in my particular 26.2-mile event required even more endurance than...