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Family Life

A Love Letter to ALL Families 0

A Love Letter to ALL Families

The Weight of Guardianship: A Complex, Challenging, and Rewarding Role Being a court-appointed guardian is a significant legal responsibility that carries immense weight.  It involves taking on the role of...

Give Yourself the Gift of Grace 0

Give Yourself the Gift of Grace

You know the old adage, โ€œlife is a marathon, not a sprint.โ€ For parents like us though, life is a marathon AND a sprint, often with no water breaks. Relentless....

Loved Ones Holiday Prep 8 Tips 0

Loved Oneโ€™s Holiday Prep: 8 Tips

8 Tips to Prepare Loved Ones with Special Needs for the Holidays WATCH NOW Prepare for a smoother holiday season with these 8 essential tips designed to help families with...

Helping Your Anxious Child 0

Helping Your Anxious Child

Reducing Anxiety Anxiety is one of the most common challenges faced by autistic youth. As parents, when we see our children afraid or anxious, we naturally try to make them...

Family Chat Helping Your Anxious Child 0

Family Chat: Helping Your Anxious Child

Sept 24th at 8:00 EST Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_alizCc2xSeuoO3wtHwYsBw Many children live with anxiety and fears. In this family chat, families will have a chance to hear strategies from clinical psychologist...