Family Life

Sports Adapted to Your Childs Abilities 0

Sports Adapted to Your Child’s Abilities

Did you know that there are over 8,000 different sports in this world? Yes, 8,000! There are physical sports, mind sports, board sports, equestrian sports, the list goes on. There...


A Resolution for Parents in the New Year

As a behavior analyst, I sometimes have to have difficult conversations with parents. Generally, this involves “I feel” or “I think” statements. During these conversations, parents have reported the following...


Using Research to Guide Decision Making

Research As family members of someone with a disability, we are often torn when trying to decide what’s best for our kids. Thanks to the internet, there are answers to...


Sensory Spaces for You, Me, and SPD

Sensory Spaces Life gets busy and crazy for us all. So, we all know that we need to make time to take care of ourselves and create that “me” time....