A Spectrum of Options to help Individuals with AUTISM
In the past 10 to 15 years, outstanding strides have been made in science to help better understand and combat one of the most complex biological disorders that strikes
In the past 10 to 15 years, outstanding strides have been made in science to help better understand and combat one of the most complex biological disorders that strikes
When you hear about the obesity epidemic, most of the time we think of the adult population. Now, not only do we have an obesity epidemic with adults, but with our children as well
One of the fascinating facts about brain development is that as far as the brain is concerned, we are all born premature
Ever notice that there are certain times of day or situations during which struggles with your children seem almost guaranteed
Honestly, I didn’t think there was really anything wrong with him. So, he was a late talker, right? We have all heard the stories and anecdotes about someone’s brother’s, cousin’s, sister’s kid who didn’t speak until
If my son could talk, I’m sure he’d have a few words to say about all of the alternative treatments
Speech is an important part of communication. To be effective, speech needs to be intelligible. One of the factors that can impair intelligibility is
Crazy. Nutcase. Right winged sadist. Psycho. These are some of the names that “mainstream” medicine has branded us with. “Us” are the parents who have chosen a different route
What big secret do I know? It is an alternative therapy called Cranial Sacral Therapy (CST). How can you describe something that looks so simple, but, changes personality, behavior, speech, walking, talking, and
If you are looking for something therapeutic for your child that can be fun, economical, and done in a group, consider Adaptive yoga
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