Be Gym Ready at School
IS YOUR CHILD KINDERGARTEN GYM READY? Transitioning from preschool to elementary school can be overwhelming for both the child and the parents. Children who begin kindergarten with a solid foundation...
IS YOUR CHILD KINDERGARTEN GYM READY? Transitioning from preschool to elementary school can be overwhelming for both the child and the parents. Children who begin kindergarten with a solid foundation...
[Click to Listen to Podcast] FACT – Our children are the most vulnerable!!! What Can We Do to Help them? Have you set rules or establish healthy boundaries for touch...
[Click to Listen to Podcast] Did you know you could create a calming sensory space in a corner? WHO KNEW??? Well, Alex Lopiccolo from Sensory Digest, aka The King of...
While summer represents a time for fun, it can also unearth challenges. Sometimes, togetherness is not always blissful, boredom can lead to destructive behaviors and a break from learning can...
Calming Closet We asked Mr. Alex (as he is often called) to provide us with suggestions and ideas on how to makeover a storage closet into a calming closet for...
Sensory Spaces Life gets busy and crazy for us all. So, we all know that we need to make time to take care of ourselves and create that “me” time....
Research As family members of someone with a disability, we are often torn when trying to decide what’s best for our kids. Thanks to the internet, there are answers to...
Visual supports in the home a key to maintaining one’s day to day living. When it comes to providing aid and assistance to someone, neurotypical humans use visuals more than...
In case you missed part 1 of Mom Makeover from the Inside Out, start reading here. The gift of “me time ” for Mom When you hear the word makeover,...
Healthy Reset Summertime is almost here! As parents and caregivers, we know that summer means less structured time for our children due to school breaks. This inevitably leads to more...
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