// tabnab protection window.addEventListener('load', function () { // make all links have rel="noopener noreferrer" document.querySelectorAll('a[target="_blank"]').forEach(link => { link.setAttribute('rel', 'noopener noreferrer'); }); }); --> window.branda_tracking = window.branda_tracking || []; function branda_tracking_ga() {branda_tracking.push(arguments);} branda_tracking_ga('js', new Date()) branda_tracking_ga('config', 'G-QW251KHLGG' ) -->

Spellboard By PalaSoftware Inc.


This is a handy app for helping kids of all ages, but especially in the elementary grades, learn, manage and have fun with spelling word lists. We have used this app with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities, Cerebral Palsy and Global Developmental Delay. Many children demonstrated much more interest in working on spelling words because they had control in helping to make the lists and recording voices or had a peer record their voice.

Price: $4.99

Read Full BridgingApps Review