Products & Resources

Tech Tips for a Jolly Holiday 0

Tech Tips for a Jolly Holiday

Tech Tips Smart home technology makes life easier for users of all ages and abilities – and it’s fun! Build your smart and connected home with Google Nest home automation...

Back-to School Adaptive Dressing Alec 0

Back-to School Adaptive Dressing Alec

Meet Alec Did You Know? Did you know that customers enjoy free shipping, free returns, and 24/7 customer service!?! Students and teachers, enjoy 10% Zappos orders! Simply verify your...

Tech Tips for Back-to-School Success 0

Tech Tips for Back to School Success

Take notes in real-time Build real-time transcripts that cater to different learning styles It’s that time again, summer is winding down and we will be getting ready to send our...


Tech Tips for Summer Fun

Tech Tips for summer fun Summer is almost here again! No school, no homework, fewer extracurricular activities. Perhaps where you live is getting back to “normal” or at least adjusting...