
Instacart App Powerful Tool for Independence 0

Instacart App: Powerful Tool for Independence

“We don’t just think of Instacart as an incredibly convenient product delivery app, but as a powerful tool for independence.” Instacart is a service in which a customer selects and...

DIY Sensory Rooms on a Budget! 1

DIY Sensory Rooms on a Budget!

DIY Sensory Rooms Have you ever thought about creating a sensory room or space for your child, but thought it would be too expensive or you would need to dedicate...


Holiday Gift Guide 2011

Big is Great Small is Special The holidays are an exciting time for children and gift giving is a big part of them. Often parents take this opportunity to give...

Clean up What You Eat 0

Clean up What You Eat

Clean up what you eat Have you noticed that now, more than ever before, children and adults are developing food allergies and health problems at an alarming rate? Foods are...