Private Duty Nursing: What Is It? Why You Need It? And How to Get It
Private Duty Nursing I am a mom of a special needs child that is medically complex. For the first 2 years of his life, my husband and I did everything...
Private Duty Nursing I am a mom of a special needs child that is medically complex. For the first 2 years of his life, my husband and I did everything...
Getting Ready for Summer As the doldrums of winter melt away, and days become longer, we find ourselves daydreaming about summer sun, free time and fun. Along with our winter...
Put Time on Their Side Planning is a skill many people struggle with so it’s a wonderful skill to begin teaching at an early age. Kids tend to live in...
In an effort to help encourage speech, language, communications and conversations with my daughter, we started a little tradition
Besides putting a child on a GFCF (Gluten Free-Casein Free…and often Soy free, too) diet many parents turn to a variety of therapies to help their child with ASD and...
I was very pleased when I received the email from my editor that this issue is about music, dance and movement. Although I usually write about organizing, I wanted to...
When my oldest daughter, Jaimie, was very young, her sensory sensitivities were so severe that she wasn’t able to function in most social settings. Her tactile system was most affected...
I have always operated from the position of being thrilled for my child to have therapy services…
As an occupational therapist (and parent) I have discovered that all children can benefit from adaptations that make developing hand skills fun and successful. Adaptations might make toys easier to...
The beginning: My journey in Jewish music (I’m a “newbie” Cantorial Soloist, songleader and teacher) began after our middle son, Evan, was diagnosed with High Functioning Autism, and was singularly...
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