Thank you for your interest in getting your product/book covered in Parenting Special Needs Magazine. If you have a new product relevant to the special needs community, we’d like to hear about it! To submit a product for consideration in our digital publication, please read the following guidelines and use the template below to submit the information regarding your product.
- Products submitted for coverage must be directly relevant to the special needs community.
- Products must be new (introduced within the past 12 months) to be considered for coverage.
- Provide product specifications and applications for the special needs community in ONE or TWO concise sentences.
- Write-ups should be very straightforward and informative rather than promotional in tone.
- NOTE: Our team will review descriptions for style, grammar, and length. Please include 1 high-resolution JPEG photo of the product (must be 300 dpi; size must be between 200 x 200 pixels and 800×800 pixels). Please DO NOT submit files such as bmp, tiff, zip, or wav.
- Please name the file with your company and product name and no spaces (e.g., ABCSpecialproduct.jpg).
- We DO NOT guarantee that product submissions will be included online or in print.
- Image file size must be under 1 MB.
All submissions must be complete with above information to be considered. If you have questions, contact Michele Gianetti, Product Editor, at: Michele@parentingspecialneeds.org
- Product Name*
- Category*
- Company*
- Email*
- Website*
- Product Description: (30-50 words or less)*
- 1000 max characters
- Image of Product*
- Max. file size: 10 MB.