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Here is what some of our subscribers are saying.



Your magazine means more to me than words can describeโ€ฆThanks for the vision God has blessed you with.

May God continue to bless! ~Thanks Mary Bates

I absolutely love your magazine, and make sure I share it each time I get a copy. Thank you for the work you do to put it together! ~Lyn Ayer, Project Director, Oregon Deafblind Project


I was just looking through your magazine and saw the ad about Wendy on Wheelsโ€ฆhow awesome is that!!! I just ordered the books online. My daughter is 4 and we are in the process of getting her a wheelchair. I really think these books will help explain what all she can do using a wheelchair. ~Nicole Portwood



I read your article on sensory ideas. LOVED it!! I currently have his bedroom painted bright colors, SpongeBob actually. After reading the article, I realized that I could be causing his overstimulation! So, Iโ€™m going to repaint his room and make it a little more sensory friendly! ~ Stephanie Harwell Flores


I saw a comment someone posted on a picture on your Facebook page: My son is now going to be tested for a very rare and pretty much unknown syndrome; Phelan-McDermid Syndrome (Parenting Special Needs issue Jan. 2009). Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you do in keeping us informed! ~ Nicky Nichols Randall


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